Airsoft Motors

Collection: Airsoft Motors

What are Electric Motors for Airsoft Guns?

The motor is the backbone to the internals of an airsoft electric gun (AEG). When the trigger is pulled, the switch assembly allows current from the battery to power the motor which turns the gears and pulls back the spring loaded piston inside the gun. Once the piston has reached the end of its travel and the gears have made a complete revolution, the piston is released and the spring pushes it forward, forcing air inside the cylinder into the hop up unit and propelling the BB. The fully automatic and semi automatic modes are made possible by the electrically driven gearbox as opposed to a spring powered airsoft gun which requires the operator to manually cock and pull back the piston before firing the shot. A motor is one of the simplest upgrades you can perform without opening up the gearbox and see some tangible results.

Q: How long do airsoft motors last?
A: Airsoft motors should last tens of thousands of rounds with the components that wear out being the motor brushes. Motor 
brushes themselves are replaceable making the motor serviceable for continued use, however some people view this as the 
perfect excuse to upgrade to an aftermarket motor. Improper motor height adjustment could cause more electrical resistance 
and damage other components such as the pinion gear.

Q: Why should I upgrade my motor?
A: If your motor is dead, if your motor is inadequate in performance, if your grip gets warm very quickly after not much use in a 
game, these are all indicators that the OEM motor might not be up to the task. If you are seeking better rate of fire, better 
trigger response, or a means to pull a heavier aftermarket spring installed in your gearbox, these are all reasons you could stand 
to upgrade your motor.

Q: What motor fits my airsoft gun?
A: Generally speaking, motors are going to be the same internally however they will be offered with different shaft lengths. The 
most common shaft lengths found in airsoft electric motors is the long shaft and short shaft models. These do not interchange 
and it is important you research your airsoft gun model before purchasing the motor. If you are unsure about what type to get, 
reach out to us and we can help you figure it out. Though it is not possible to know every single model in the market, many do 
follow the standard motor shaft lengths and should be compatible with upgrade motors that we offer.

Q: What upgrade motor should I get?
A: There is a wide selection of upgrade motors with each one being suited for specific applications. To put it in general terms, 
there are speed motors, torque motors, or in between that are balance motors. Speed motors are geared for pure speed but 
lack the torque to pull heavier springs, as such they must be matched with lower tensioned AEG gearbox springs. Torque motors 
lack raw speed but can pull a wider array of springs and give better trigger response. Balance motors get just the right balance 
and delivers good rate of fire and trigger response at the same time.