
Thank You for Your Service!

At Fox Airsoft, we deeply appreciate the commitment and sacrifices made by our veterans. Your dedication to protecting our freedoms is something we honor and respect. As a way of showing our gratitude, we want to welcome you into the Fox Airsoft community with a special recurring discount. It’s our small way of saying thank you for all you've done.

Join Our Community

When you sign up, you’re not just getting a discount—you’re joining a community of like-minded individuals who value teamwork, camaraderie, and shared experiences. We’re excited to have you as part of our events, where you can connect and build bonds with fellow players. Whether you're here for fun, training, or staying sharp, Fox Airsoft is a place where veterans can forge new connections while enjoying the game.

Please note that this discount is exclusive to our veterans and cannot be combined with other offers. It’s our way of ensuring you get the recognition and benefits you deserve.

A Note on Honor

At Fox Airsoft, integrity and honor are at the core of who we are. We believe that these values must be upheld by everyone in our community. If you intend to misuse this offer or claim veteran status without having served, this does not align with our values. We take stolen valor seriously, and anyone caught engaging in such behavior will be permanently banned from all Fox Airsoft services.