Hand Grenades

Collection: Hand Grenades

What are airsoft grenades?

Airsoft grenades add a layer of excitement to gameplay when used appropriately and where it is allowed and are one of the most popular airsoft accessories. First and foremost, please respect the rules of your local airsoft field especially in regards to the use of airsoft grenades. If thrown in the out of play area, an airsoft grenade that sends BBs in all directions potentially could endanger others. Noise grenades may also be prohibited  in your area, likely due to not disturbing the property owners neighbors or possibly being in very close vicinity to the general public or animals.

There are different types of airsoft grenades out there. Starting with the noise making ones, these use some sort of compressed air or gas to produce a loud and startling pop to act as a distraction device. Some brand grenades detonate on impact after being thrown. Some grenades detonate after a short time by way of a punctured CO2 cartridge expanding inside a plastic chamber until the pressure causes the body of the grenade to burst and emit the loud pop. These will go off very quick so do not hang on to them after you pull the pin and release the spoon or else. You will find these being popular at indoor fields. Whether or not they count for kills depends on the rules of your field.  There are also airsoft grenades designed to work in conjunction with airsoft grenade launchers.  These are very fun as they can release a large number of BBs in a widespread area.

How about the grenades that shoot BBs? These will usually be impact detonated so you would pull the pin and toss and as soon as it makes impact it will shoot BBs in every direction. The most commonly seen ones and the ones we carry will be running off of green gas. The range or typical kill radius for these will often be enough to clear a small room. These are exceptionally useful in close quarters or indoors where a group of people might be hiding in close proximity to each other.

Q & A: 

Q: Wait, there's grenades in airsoft?
A: Yes! Just like many things in airsoft, you can live out your fantasies doing such things as getting grenade kills in a milsim type environment.


Q: Do airsoft grenades actually explode?
A: Depending on which airsoft grenade you have, some can shoot BBs all over the place and some are just loud noise grenades.


Q: How are airsoft grenades "powered"?
A: Again, depending on which airsoft grenade you have you might be using green gas or CO2.


Q: Are these grenades reusable?
A: Depending on the design, some are refillable and some have reusable main components that require a refill kit to use again. Noise based grenades will typically require you to purchase new components to continue their use.


Q: Are grenades legal for airsoft?
A: Check with the airsoft field where you will be playing to see if grenades are allowed. It is up to the field owner discretion whether or not to allow functioning airsoft grenades onto their field.

Q: Is an airsoft pistol good enough, or should I consider also having a grenade?

A: A pistol is great to have as a backup gun, but a grenade will give you the ability to get out of a pinch or seize and opportunity better than a pistol would.