Beginner's Guide to Airsoft Snipers

Beginner's Guide to Airsoft Snipers

Sniper rifles are often the starting point in the sport for many new players as an alternative to AEGs (automatic electric guns). Why is that? For some, the reason is the price. Sniper rifles are simple compared to an AEG and will cost less out of the box and less to run overall. Quality and durability will vary, though, due to the wide variety of inexpensive guns. Many people also like sniping because they like being stealthy, sitting back, and taking a longer-range shot. The increased difficulty and the many facets of playing this role can be rewarding and fun. 

Check out the ASG M40A3 Sportline Sniper Kit

Now, when looking into getting that sniper rifle, you will notice many sniper rifles operate off of spring power. To operate spring-powered sniper rifles, you are going to pull the bolt back and cock the gun, which will also load a round from the magazine into the chamber. Once you fire the rifle, you are going to repeat the process. The nice thing about spring-powered rifles is that you don't need to charge a battery like an AEG. You also don't need CO2 cartridges or gas canisters for a spring sniper rifle, which is one less costly factor and simplifies the operation.

With a sniper rifle, a common misconception is that you will have an enormous range advantage over your opponents. This is relative to how hard your gun shoots out of the box. You can always upgrade to improve this, but we'll leave that for another topic of discussion. Some fields might allow you to shoot sniper rifles that go as high as 500fps (feet per second) or more, depending on where you play. And many times, with that increased limit, you must keep a minimum engagement distance with that rifle to make it safe for the other players.

Compared to an AEG, the added velocity adds some range to your gun but doesn't double or triple your range like you might think. Guns shooting 400 fps, for example (such as many AEGs), will probably be accurate to about 150-180 feet hitting a man-sized target. Guns shooting over 400 fps will certainly reach 200 feet accurately. Guns shooting 500fps can do well over 200 feet in range, but at this point, you have to consider the gun's inherent accuracy as a factor, too, for power does not equal accuracy.

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Outside of equipment, the play style is very different from those running an AEG. What makes a good sniper is not so much the player as the tactics and the sneaking aspect of the game versus assaulting your target. You will have a slower rate of fire and carry less ammo than your typical AEG user, so you need to make your shots count. For that reason, many players enjoy the role for the challenge or change in pace. The challenge is to conceal yourself, get an optimal shooting position, and take an accurate shot. If you use a spring-powered sniper rifle, you can bet your shots will be much quieter. Your opponents will often only know they are fired upon too late.

For the younger players, something to consider with sniper rifles is that it does take a good amount of arm strength to cock it. We typically don't recommend a sniper rifle for a young person under 12 because it will be too difficult for them to manipulate the bolt. Harder shooting spring sniper rifles will require more arm strength on top of that. There are exceptions (we have met some really strong players), but generally, this has been true from our experience, so keep that in mind. If you are younger and still insist on playing a sniper role, look into a CO2 or gas-powered sniper rifle. You can still get a hard-shooting sniper rifle without the required arm strength to manipulate them. A popular and inexpensive CO2-powered sniper rifle is the ASG Tac 6.

Check out the ASG TAC 6 CO2 Sniper Kit

One thing to note: sniper rifles typically do not come with sights. They tend to have a picatinny rail mount on the top for you to install a scope of your choice. Another popular accessory would be a bipod with foldable legs that you add to your rifle and deploy for more stability. The scope's function is obvious: to magnify your view and allow you to aim at your targets precisely. Upon installing a scope, you must "zero" it, which means adjusting the scope to match where your rifle is shooting. Scopes do not come zeroed out of the box. It just isn't possible because every gun shoots differently. To zero your gun, you will need to take it to an airsoft field with a good amount of space to shoot it or on your personal property if you have access to a lot of space and a safe environment to shoot.

When picking a scope, you can spend very little to as much as you want. You might see scopes as low as $30; if you look around, you can spend over $100 or $200 for an airsoft-grade scope. Regarding optics for real rifles, they often cost much more than the rifles themselves, so be reassured. What are you spending on when you buy a scope? The clarity of the glass inside the scope, the consistent adjustments, features such as illumination and the amount of magnification, adjustability, and durability. Inexpensive scopes will magnify and get the job done, so don't worry too much about starting with something inexpensive. The difference is there if you compare it to something more expensive.

You will want to use some heavyweight ammo to enhance the accuracy of your gun. A common mistake is using 0.2g BBs, the baseline of what you could use as an AEG. It will still shoot and function fine but you won't get the desired accuracy when shooting a gun that is capable of higher velocities.  You'll have a more stable and consistent shot if you go with a higher-weight BB like a .25, .28, or even a .32-gram BB. Remember that as a sniper, making your shots is important because you do not have the rate of fire or the opportunities to miss as an assaulter role would with an AEG. You have to make your first shots count.

So, to wrap this up, you need to ask yourself, "Should I go with an electric gun, or should I go with a sniper rifle?" Don't look at it strictly in terms of cost; they aren't too far apart, but the way you play will be different, and having a bad experience those first times out will make or break you in this game. To be honest, being a sniper is NOT for everyone. An AEG will be a better first purchase if you want to be more aggressive and constantly engaging. If you want to get a sniper rifle, don't think that you can go head-to-head against an AEG. You must use concealment and careful judgment to get your shots off before the opponent can see you. The AEG will be a better starting point due to the flexibility of play styles you can get into. But if you know you are into a slower-paced and carefully planned game, the sniper role is highly rewarding and fun.


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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the rules for snipers in airsoft?

The rules for snipers in airsoft can vary depending on the field and event, but common regulations include minimum engagement distances (MEDs) to ensure safety. Typically, airsoft snipers must maintain an MED of 50 to 100 feet, meaning they cannot shoot targets closer than this distance. Snipers often have higher FPS limits than other players, reflecting their role in long-range engagements. Snipers must also follow all general airsoft safety rules, including wearing eye protection and using bio-degradable BBs. It's essential for snipers to be familiar with the specific rules of the field they are playing on to avoid penalties and ensure safe gameplay.

Are airsoft snipers good for beginners?

Airsoft snipers are generally not recommended for beginners. Sniping in airsoft requires a high level of skill, patience, and experience. New players may find it challenging to effectively use a sniper rifle due to its specialized nature and the need for accurate long-range shooting. Beginners often benefit more from starting with an automatic electric gun (AEG) that offers versatility and ease of use. However, for those particularly interested in the sniper role, it's advisable to gain some experience with basic airsoft guns and gameplay before transitioning to sniping.

What is the role of the sniper in airsoft?

The role of the sniper in airsoft is to provide long-range support and reconnaissance for their team. Snipers are tasked with eliminating high-value targets, providing intelligence on enemy movements, and disrupting the opposing team's plans from a distance. They must use stealth and patience to position themselves advantageously and take accurate shots without being detected. Snipers often work closely with spotters or other teammates to maximize their effectiveness and ensure that their contributions align with the overall team strategy.

What to look for in an airsoft sniper?

When selecting an airsoft sniper rifle, consider factors such as build quality, accuracy, and upgrade potential. Look for rifles with sturdy construction, preferably with metal components, to ensure durability. Accuracy is paramount, so choose a rifle with a high-quality barrel and hop-up system. Many experienced snipers recommend rifles that are easy to upgrade, as aftermarket parts can significantly enhance performance. Other important features include a comfortable stock, adjustable scopes, and the ability to use heavier BBs for better range and accuracy. Brands like Tokyo Marui, VSR-10, and Novritsch are known for their reliable sniper rifles.

What range should I zero my airsoft sniper?

Zeroing your airsoft sniper rifle typically involves setting it to be accurate at a range of 150 to 200 feet. This range allows you to effectively engage targets at a distance while accounting for the limitations of airsoft BBs. To zero your sniper rifle, start by adjusting your scope or sights at a shorter distance, such as 50 feet, and gradually increase the range, making fine adjustments as needed. Consistent and precise zeroing helps ensure that your shots land accurately on target, providing you with the confidence to make long-range shots during gameplay.

Is sniping hard in airsoft?

Sniping in airsoft can be challenging due to the need for precision, patience, and strategic thinking. Unlike other roles, snipers must often wait for the perfect moment to take a shot, requiring a high level of discipline and situational awareness. Environmental factors such as wind, foliage, and lighting can also affect shot accuracy, adding to the difficulty. Additionally, airsoft BBs have a limited range and can be affected by external conditions more than real bullets, making long-range shots more challenging. Despite these difficulties, many players find sniping to be a rewarding and enjoyable aspect of airsoft, offering a unique and tactical experience.