Have you ever had your gearbox locked up without warning?
It's certainly a frustrating problem, as no one simply wants their gun to stop functioning in the middle of a firefight! Not all gearbox lock-ups are created equal, but either a weak battery causes many, rapid pulling of the trigger on semi-auto or a combination of the two. The culprit of this behavior is one part in particular:
The cutoff lever.
This component is designed to reset the trigger shuttle as soon as a semi-auto cycle has been completed. If the cycle does not complete fully, the cutoff lever can get stuck against the trigger shuttle, making pulling the trigger do nothing to your gun. To solve this issue, simply flip your gun to full auto, and it's ready to go! By flipping the selector to full, you are manually moving the cutoff lever, which allows the trigger shuttle to reset, unlocking your gearbox.
If you'd like to prevent this issue from happening in the first place, you can go right to the root by getting a more powerful battery and a stronger motor. These parts will make your gearbox cycle quicker and greatly reduce the chance of getting locked up on semi-auto. Alternatively, you could radius the front of the cutoff lever to make it more rounded, making it much harder for the trigger shuttle to get stuck against it.
So before assuming your gun is completely broken, be sure to flip it to full auto and try shooting again. Hopefully, this tip will save you some headaches and money!