Today, we will go over the basic controls and the Do’s and Don’ts for AEGs. Typically, over the holidays, we see many new airsoft gun owners joining us, and we must revisit some of the simpler topics and fundamentals.
As with any firearm or projectile shooting device like an airsoft gun, the following rules MUST be observed:
- Treat all firearms as if they were loaded - TREAT THE GUN WITH RESPECT.
- Finger off the trigger unless you are intending to fire.
- Do not point the muzzle at anything you don’t intend to shoot at.
- Be aware of your target’s foreground and background. In this context, it means using an airsoft gun where appropriate.

Let’s go over the parts of the gun from front to back. Take note of the terminology that I use. We will use it throughout.
- Muzzle - this is where the BB exits. This is where you want to be most mindful about where and how you point your airsoft gun.
- Handguard, forend, rail system - This is where you place your non-firing hand to steady the rifle. Some of these forends possess special mounting points for accessories.
- Magazine - this is a removable part of the weapon and is what feeds ammunition into the gun. There are two types: mid-capacity and high-capacity magazines. Mid-capacity magazines require a tool to load but require no special preparation. Once it is filled with BBs, you can insert the magazine and use it. For a high-capacity magazine, you need to fill the magazine to the top and wind a wheel. You will be winding until the spring tension tightens and the wheel makes a different clicking noise. If you do not wind it at all or only a little bit, the magazine will not work.
- BBs - these are 6mm plastic pellets. They will always be the same size but be offered in different weights. You can choose the weight based on your preference for accuracy or lower cost. Do not use low-quality BBs, or you will break your gun.
- Receiver - this is the gun's body, and the controls will be here.
- Selector - this is your fire selector. You can put the gun on safe, semi-auto, or full auto. Semi-auto is one shot per trigger pull. Full auto will be repeated firing as long as you hold the trigger. The controls may appear different on different models of guns.
- Sights - many guns will come with folding or integrated sights. We commonly refer to them as iron sights, though it is not made of iron in a literal sense. Many models will allow you to adjust the sights to fine-tune for accuracy.
- Hop-up - this system puts a backspin on the BB, which gives you better range due to the Magnus effect. On guns with an adjustable hop-up, you can tune for whatever weight BB you are using that day. There is typically a dial or a lever. Hop-up on = more curve-up effect. Hop-up or insufficient will see you drop BBs prematurely. You can often see the BB out to 150 feet or more. Adjust till it shoots straight for as far as you can see it with your naked eye.
- Chamber - this is where a round from a magazine loads into and where your next BB will be fired from.
- Stock - this is the back of the gun. Some stocks will be adjustable to conform to different-sized players. Batteries will often be stored here, but this is not always the case. A stock that can store batteries is often referred to by airsofters as a Crane stock. I won’t go into that term's history or real meaning but understand that when we say crane stock, we are talking about a stock that can hold the battery that powers your gun.
- Plug - This is where you plug in a battery. Typically, you will see a Tamiya-style connector, though another type is Deans/T-plug.
- Charging handle - on some guns, this is for show. On some, it exposes the hop-up chamber. Do not pull hard on this excessively, or you risk damaging it. The same goes for cocking handles.
- Dust cover - this is on M4/AR15-style guns. This can function in different ways depending on the manufacturer of the gun. For the most part, they replicate how a real one works. Keep it closed when not shooting or not in use.

Before operating an airsoft gun, be sure to wear protective eyewear. BBs fly very quickly and can injure you permanently—even ricochets.
An automatic electric gun needs power to operate. You will do so with these rechargeable battery packs here. The benefit of an AEG is it is less costly to run for the amount you will be using it. Though there are other systems, each with pros and cons, it is the mainstay of airsoft technology for rifles.
To get the gun ready to use, plug your charged batteries into the Tamiya-style plug. Batteries will never come sufficiently charged out of the box, so expect to charge this before using your AEG. The location of the plug varies by the model of the gun. The plug goes only one way, so make sure you get that right. Avoid crushing or pinching wires; this could lead to the battery being shorted out.
Insert a loaded magazine into the gun. Be mindful of your trigger finger (rule #2), as this is how accidents could happen. If you use a high-capacity magazine, remember it requires preparation.
You are ready to go once this is done and the magazine is inserted. Take the gun off safely and shoot. You will want to adjust your hop-up by turning the wheel or moving the lever and observing the path of the BB as you shoot it. Most of these guns can get a good effective range of 150 to 200 feet. Once you achieve a straight flight, you are ready to go. You can adjust the sights to match where you are hitting.
Adjusting your sights or scope to match where your rounds are hitting is zeroing your gun. Once your gun is zero, your gun should hit what you aim with if conditions are ideal.
When you are finished, you will need to clear your gun. This is the act of removing all ammunition from the weapon. What you must do is remove the magazine and fire the gun on semi-auto a couple of times to remove the last possible round that may reside in your chamber. Do note that when you remove the magazine, it is normal for a few BBs to fall out—the shape of the hop-up chamber.
Some guns may come with a charger and battery. Some may not. We offer packages for our most popular guns to start out with, so you will have what you need to get started.
Charging a battery like the standard Nimh battery means plugging a pack in for a few hours. Knowing exactly how long to charge is crucial to not damaging your battery or worse. Some included chargers just continue to charge unless you unplug it. A simple, smart charging setup will do all that for you, so you don’t have to guess, and you will know exactly when it is done. Always monitor your battery while charging; do not leave it unattended to do something else.
If you have a problem with the airsoft gun you buy from us, contact us immediately so we may help and troubleshoot for you. Only attempt to disassemble something, as it will void your warranty unless you are instructed by us to do so. An airsoft gun is NOT like a real gun, so do not accept help from a buddy who is inclined to take it apart to help figure things out. This tends to cause more harm than good. The consequences would be denying warranty claims, making it more difficult to return or repair. If you bought a new gun from somewhere else, take advantage of their service and warranty when you have problems.
I want to note another thing we encountered on the customer service side. Please be honest and upfront if you have a problem or do something wrong. Doing things you are not advised to do and giving us incorrect information to act on makes helping you more difficult and potentially more expensive. This is life advice, too, as you are more likely to get help even if you screw up if you own up to it than to be misled from the get-go. The sport of airsoft runs on the honor system, and we hope that resonates with people asking us for help. If that help or warranty is abused, the bottom line is that the services an airsoft shop offers will increase in price.
This covers the basics of AEG ownership. Please check our video library on YouTube for specifics about the many important aspects of the sport and the equipment for more details. We will continually refine and update our content as needed so that we can better serve our customers!