Airsoft Safety: Field Etiquette

Airsoft Safety: Field Etiquette

Hi, I’m George from Fox Airsoft, and today, I wanted to talk about airsoft safety etiquette. You might see me reffing at FAF on the weekends, so some of these points I will be making today are the types of things we want to instill in players on our field, but this will also apply to players anywhere. 

First, safety is the most important thing you should keep in mind. Airsoft can be intimidating to an outsider because our sport features very realistic equipment, and the consequences of being unsafe can be life-changing.

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This is not intended to be a safety briefing video, but some key points will be that everyone is responsible for each other's safety and not just the people working in the field. You should also be proactive in this aspect because referees (refs) cannot be everywhere, and even if a field has 100 refs, incidents can occur if players do not take this seriously.

Though airsoft guns are not deadly by nature, they shoot projectiles and can harm people if used incorrectly or inappropriately. Therefore, you should treat them with the same firearm safety rules that you would apply to real guns, emphasizing the importance of airsoft gun safety.

As we tell players, the airsoft field's staging area is where many things can go wrong because people get complacent. Apply airsoft gun safety by observing the following:

  • Treat all guns as if they were loaded - keep that in mind because the moment you disrespect this rule is when bad things happen. This includes horseplay in the staging area.
  • Keep your finger off the trigger - be mindful of where your trigger finger is when holding an airsoft gun, whether or not you are in play. With the exception of a mechanical failure that could cause your gun to fire, the player is usually accidentally shooting because their finger was on the trigger.
  • Don’t cover your muzzle over anything you’re not willing to shoot - obviously, in-game, you are pointing at your intended target, but outside of the game, when you are walking about staging, keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction. When you flag other people, they are potentially the ones who will get harmed if you accidentally fire them.
  • Be aware of your target’s foreground and background - while this is more of an in-game situation, be mindful of who you are shooting and what is around them. You don’t want to send BBs in the direction of someone who might not be in play or when there is an emergency, so just maintain situational awareness. This is also why “blind fire” is banned in many fields. Emphasizing airsoft gun safety is crucial in maintaining a safe and enjoyable environment.
    Keep that finger off the trigger! With the exception of a mechanical failure, the gun will only fire if you make it!

    Be mindful of where you point that thing! Do not point it at someone (except in the game, of course). That means waiting to do it in the staging area, too!

    With basic firearms safety out of the way, let’s talk about etiquette.

    Airsoft is an honor sport. We don’t rely on marking to indicate who is hit, so we must rely on people's honesty for the game to work. Although there are a bunch of sensational YouTube videos about cheaters, it is not as commonly occurring as portrayed. And if someone does have a desire to cheat, that person won’t last for very long in the sport because they will be on the radar of all the local fields and possibly blacklisted.

    When playing, be aware that your attitude can contribute or hurt to the overall experience other players have, including your own. Kindness rubs off, so people who put out good vibes will generally have a better experience. Obsessing over cheating or how good or bad their teammates play will not improve anything. Remember not to take yourself too seriously because you should be out there having fun, and that’s what other people came out and paid money for, too.

    New players might get upset about overshooting at just about any field. What is overshooting? It is firing an excess amount of rounds into a player when they’re already out. While this is a legitimately bad thing to do, some people might have trouble distinguishing that from getting hit the normal way. You see when you get hit by a BB, since most people are rapidly firing their guns. Usually, there will be a few more hits to follow. To put it in another perspective, just like when you see an enemy player exposing, you’re not shooting just one shot, but you will be shooting a few. Most misunderstandings occur here, so keep a level head, keep cool, and carry on. Even still, getting hit is just a part of airsoft.

    Airsoft can be a positive sport in many ways. For people, it's a chance to suit up and do something they’d normally do in video games. For others, it is a social thing where you can play with buddies and have a good time. This is a fun way to use stuff you know for training or gun enthusiasts. Whatever the case, airsoft is a growing sport and a privilege. Prioritizing airsoft gun safety is essential; if we don’t positively conduct ourselves in our local airsoft communities, we won’t have a place to play, and the sport of airsoft can’t grow or even continue to exist, especially if negative incidents wind up on the news. So next time you’re out there, carry yourself like an ambassador of the sport.

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    What is the etiquette for airsoft guns?

    Proper etiquette for airsoft guns involves several key practices to ensure safety and sportsmanship on the field. First and foremost, always treat your airsoft gun as if it were real, keeping it pointed in a safe direction and finger off the trigger until ready to shoot. When not in active play, use a barrel cover and keep the gun on safe mode. Communicate clearly and call your hits honestly to maintain a fair game. Respect the minimum engagement distances to avoid causing unnecessary pain or injury to other players. Additionally, be mindful of your surroundings and avoid shooting at players who are not wearing their protective gear or are outside the designated play area.

    What is the juggernaut rule in airsoft?

    The juggernaut rule in airsoft is a scenario-specific rule applied during certain game modes where a designated player, known as the "juggernaut," has increased resilience to hits. This player often wears additional protective gear and requires multiple hits to be taken out of the game, unlike regular players who are eliminated with a single hit. The juggernaut rule adds a challenging and strategic element to the game, as players must work together to effectively take down the heavily armored juggernaut. However, it's important that all players agree on the specific rules and number of hits required before the game starts to ensure clarity and fair play.

    What are the unwritten rules of airsoft?

    Unwritten rules of airsoft are informal guidelines that promote respect and sportsmanship among players. One key rule is to always call your hits honestly; even if you think a shot might have missed, it's better to err on the side of fairness. Avoid overshooting, which means not continuously firing at a player who has already called their hit. Maintain good communication and be courteous to both teammates and opponents. Respect the marshals and follow their instructions, as they are there to ensure the game is played fairly and safely. Lastly, help new players by sharing your knowledge and experience, making the game enjoyable for everyone involved. These unwritten rules foster a positive community and ensure that airsoft remains a fun and safe activity for all participants.