7 Airsoft Tactics for Beginners

7 Airsoft Tactics for Beginners

Are you new to airsoft or looking to improve your game? You've come to the right place! In this article, we will discuss common airsoft tactics players use to enhance how they play. 

Check them out and read more below:

Tactic #1: Switching Weapons

The new Elite Force Competition MLOK CQB
The new Elite Force Competition MLOK CQC


I would say this is probably more of a concept than a tactic, but it can be a tactic, too. The new players often ask us while shopping for their first gun if they need a pistol or whatnot. For outdoor fields and many indoor fields, your primary gun (a rifle) should be enough. 

Safety rules may state that you cannot engage within a certain distance just to maintain safety. They may allow you to use a pistol up close since those are lower in power comparatively. Some places, particularly indoor fields, might have a bang-bang rule or surrender rule, which means you can take a player out without firing a shot at point-blank range. 

That way, you don't have to run a different weapon or also not hurt someone badly. If it is within your means, it can help your experience, but it is not often required. If you get one or carry something else as a secondary, you must understand how to run it. Otherwise, it will hinder you.

Rifle Starter Kits


Switching weapons is a tactic and a skill set you should add to your tool bag. First, if you believe that carrying a pistol or another gun is a backup in case your main one fails, then being proficient at switching guns is beneficial. 

With that comes problem-solving because things get tricky when you fumble over yourself. A good holster is definitely in order if your secondary is a pistol. Drawing from the holster while slinging your primary and keeping it out of the way will be a split-second difference and could mean you getting shot in the game or maybe scoring a sweet kill when the opportunity strikes. 

Ideally, Your primary weapon should have a sling that you can operate smoothly to get the gun out of the way fast. A single-point sling might be good for these quick situations. Although it will be less secure, it might be preferred for convenience. A two-point sling will be better at keeping the weapon out of the way and on your body, but the extra sling material means you have to treat it differently when reaching for your secondary. Your secondary isn't limited to just pistols, by the way. 

It could be a grenade launcher, a compact rifle, or an SMG. You could be running a bolt-action sniper rifle and an AEG, too.

Switching weapons as a tactic is another thing to consider. If you watch a lot of YouTube snipers, for example, you'll see a spring-powered bolt action rifle and a gas pistol of some sort, usually a non-blowback with a mock suppressor. Why do they choose this combination? 

Well, for these players, though they are primarily going to shoot at people from long range, stealth is a key component of their gameplay. And oftentimes, in the field, especially smaller ones, the battlefronts can shift rapidly, and one safe position you stay in could easily become contested. Snipers usually have a MED (minimum engagement distance) to play safely, so they cannot engage with their sniper rifle if someone gets too close. 

Not to mention, sometimes a sniper rifle isn't conducive to quick and rapid engagements compared to an AEG or even a pistol. So if airsoft snipers suddenly find themselves surrounded, they will go to their pistols. Some use non-blowback pistols. Why? Some NBB pistols are quiet compared to a full gas blowback pistol. 

So, while they can engage people, their primary concern is to be sneaky. If they can get some kills without blowing their cover, they can return to picking off people with their sniper rifles quickly.

Airsoft player wearing a tactical vest with attached pistol holster and magazine pouches

DMR players face the same problem. They might have a MED they have to work with or let's say you are trying to clear a building. Suddenly, your M16 with a long barrel extension will be very hard to work with, and a pistol or something small will be needed.

Consider these things to carry a second weapon in the field. There are many reasons to do it; it will be rewarding if you do it right and work on your skills. Do it wrong, and it can only hinder you with the burden of extra weight, added clumsiness, and added no value. This could also enhance or add different flavors to your gameplay, especially if you are a ranged player.

Tactic #2: Move and Suppress

The tips and tricks we provide are for the intent of being used for fun when playing airsoft out in the field. Real-world tactics can translate into airsoft, but sometimes, they are not necessarily the other way around, so take it all with a grain of salt and do not attempt anything in a professional setting. Seek real training for that kind of stuff. For us, we're doing airsoft. So, let's begin.

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Mindset: Get good but also have fun

Our series in tactics is designed to help airsoft players develop and improve their game. Personal matters such as marksmanship, physical fitness, and attitude are internal factors that you must work on yourself, and we can't do that for you over the internet. But what we can do is improve your perception of the sport of airsoft and how you can play the game better with others and have a great time.

So, if you have been following our blogs and videos, we have been slowly introducing small tactics that anybody can work on in the airsoft field. You can do this in the field if you are making friends. Be sure you are amicable about it, though. No one likes to be bossed around on the airsoft field, either. If you find yourself with some random players who are people you can get along with on the spot to do an objective,  then this might be a great time to try and work on certain tactics. You don't even need a team to try it, and no one ever gets mad at a random teammate if that person is working their butt off and hustling to try and win.

If you remember some of the previous tactics videos and blogs we did, you’ll remember we have covered the use of semi-auto and full-auto and the idea of having battle buddies. Consider that basic information a foundation or building block to move into more advanced topics such as suppressing and moving. All these little concepts build upon each other and allow you to try more advanced stuff.

Building Blocks

So, a suppress-and-move tactic is used when you want to bring the fight to your opposition or to take an objective or new position. You are now breaking from your concealment or cover to accomplish this.

The Airsoft player in the foreground observes another player moving tactically among hay bales on an outdoor battlefield.

Again, going back to our battle buddies' tips, when you want to pull something like this off, you must plan it out, communicate it with your group, and execute it. So, for example, let's say our objective is to take a particular building or zone. 

You have gathered some battle buddies or random people on your team who want to go for this. Some people will have to volunteer to help suppress the fire, and others will be the ones to move. You may have opponents inside a building or around it. With the suppressing fire, you can deny them the opportunity to fire back at you by keeping their heads down. 

By keeping them preoccupied, your moving element can get into position to assault the target. Your team composition should be better served by a person with an LMG due to their ability to lay down more sustained fire and ammo capacity; however, even a bunch of rifles will work for the same purpose.

Learn more about Airsoft

So once you’ve established who is doing what, you all need to execute. The plan crumbles very quickly if people don't commit. At the same time, this is airsoft, so dying in a game is not the worst thing in the world, so why not go all out?

So while your buddy or buddies lay down suppressing fire, the assault element must move, whether bound to the next piece of cover or straight to the objective. Remember that the person who volunteers to provide the suppressing fire is laying down fire and burning through their ammunition to ensure that the rest of the group can advance, so the assaulting element should not hesitate or stall on their movement. Be decisive and deliberate with your actions. 

Consider the amount of ammo your suppressing teammate has as your window of opportunity to pull off this little maneuver. 

They will take too long and have to reload, which stalls your plan a great deal, and that is enough opportunity for the other team to return fire and take out some of your team. It isn't necessarily the team with the best players or gear that wins so much as it is the players' resolve. We see this repeatedly on the field, even from new players using only rental equipment.

Remember that the overwhelming volume of fire should keep their heads down or score some hits, both of which are positive results for our purpose of winning the game.

There’s not much more to it than that. It’s very simple, and you can try it with your battle buddies or even random teammates you get teamed up with for a pickup game. Good luck, and have fun out there.


Tactic #3: Taking Down a Bunker

Welcome readers! Today, we will discuss some basic tactics you can try on the field. Today, we will talk about how to take a bunker, although this can be applied to any position or field feature of strategic importance. 

ICS Peleador C

I've been playing airsoft for a long time, and during the peak of my airsoft career, I've attended numerous large-scale operations, not just in the US but internationally, too. I had trained very hard with my team, Swamp Fox 12, and tried to instill the same work ethic into Fox Platoon, a local program I had created in my local airsoft community here in Parker to create some of the best players.

Taking down a strategic location takes a couple of things that are important to any situation. And that is to plan, communicate, and execute.

We will generalize here because we are speaking from experience and observation of players at our local field, FAF Airsoft, here in Parker, Colorado. We are by no means infantry tactics experts, and there is certainly more than one way to assault an objective, so we'll just give you the basics of it based on our anecdotal perspective.



Gear Starter Kits

Your squad leader or some player you trust will usually make a call to take down a bunker in front of you. That role could befall you in the middle of the game, or you can take the initiative and try to drive your teammates to victory. Whoever that person will be, the "leader" will pick a few teammates nearby to support this action. Some will provide a solid firebase, while others will be tasked with moving.


The plan and everyone's responsibilities need to be communicated clearly and quickly. You're in the middle of the game, and many things are going on, so it is important to ensure everyone knows what they should be doing.


When you put the plan into motion, everyone involved should be committed to carrying out the assault. The number one thing we see of failed maneuvers in an airsoft game is when people don't commit, and suddenly, only one person is charging the bunker and then getting lit up by a ton of BBs. Be sure you are doing this with your friends and not just getting upset at random players in your team who may be more casual or passive than you. Everyone should still be having fun; getting them involved correctly goes a long way. This is just a game, and dying in airsoft is part of it. Don't take it too seriously. Respawn and repeat your assault until you wear down your opposing force. This is an old tactic of Fox Platoon. Even when our plan was not solid, our persistence allowed us to overcome our opponents, even if they had every tactical advantage.

Example of an Assault

Let's put the plan-communicate-execute procedure into an example.

Version 1:

  1. The team leader calls for volunteers to take a bunker. Volunteers present themselves. The team leader assigns a few teammates to provide a base of fire. The rest will be pushed once this base of fire is established. It may be handy to find players with the most ammo and a gun that can sustain a good volume of fire, such as a SAW. This will suppress the bunker's occupants while an assaulting element moves forward.
  2. The team leader communicates with everyone to ensure they know their role in this maneuver. Once ready, the team leader will issue a command.
  3. The players will execute their respective roles. The players providing covering/suppression fire will shoot as much as needed to allow their teammates to advance. The advancing teammates will push as quickly as needed while dispatching anything that pops up. You may lose some teammates, but persisting and pushing through is important; otherwise, your plan will fail.

If your teammates get wiped out, respawn and try again. You will eventually cause your enemies to deplete their batteries and ammo by wearing them down, so as long as you keep respawning, they must keep repelling your assaults. Sooner or later, their appetite to hold the position will wane, and you will overcome them.

Version 2:

  1. Your team leader may want to get a grenade into the bunker. It is hard to throw if you are taking fire, so the team leader will ask for some teammates to provide a base of fire while someone with a grenade or grenade launcher will send a grenade into that bunker.
  2. Once again, the roles are communicated, and the important task is assigned to the person carrying the grenade or grenade launcher.
  3. The team leader gives the signal, and everyone performs their part. If the throw is good, you will have eliminated the players occupying the bunker. If not, you will have at least softened up the target for a conventional advance.
Tornado 2 Grenade

    And that is the gist of how to take a bunker. I have to reiterate once more that, more than anything, airsoft is about having fun, so don't take winning so seriously that you are not having fun yourself, nor are you causing other players to have a bad time. That said, committing to a plan, even if it is pretty simple, will be the difference in taking that objective. If it does not work, keep throwing bodies at it, and you should eventually wear out your enemy's position (in a respawn mode game). This might not be advisable in a single-elimination game.

    Tactic #4: Drawing Fire

    In a game where we're all shooting at each other and survival can be important to winning and scoring in the game, it might seem counter-intuitive to stand there to get shot. 

    Today, we're gonna talk about drawing fire. There are two disclaimers I want to make before we begin on this tactics video: 1) This video discusses ideas to use in airsoft, and as such, there is a strong disconnect from reality since we're not going to permadie as a consequence. 2) Our videos and blogs are for entertainment purposes only. 

    There are many differing opinions and ideas out there, and we welcome you to check them all out, with the main objective being to have fun. Alright, let's get started.

    Start Playing Airsoft!.

    Today, we will discuss a risky maneuver that can be utilized in airsoft: drawing fire. Drawing fire means acting as a focal point for your enemies to attack, and you are using this to draw attention away from another element of your team. This can free up your buddies to maneuver around your enemy, retreat away from it, or create just enough distraction for them to push an objective.

    Just like in video games or if you have seen speedball/SpeedQB type players, you can run and gun and do all kinds of stuff, throwing caution to the wind, mainly because in a game where we can respawn, it's okay to try things like this. 

    The fun of airsoft is that although it can offer a sense of realism, you can suspend your disbelief and just play it as a big video game and try things that may or may not have real-world tactical value. Exposing yourself to draw fire is one of those tactics.

    Choose your rifle!

    That sounds simple enough, but this is a high-risk move. Although the reward for pulling this off might be lucrative and win you the game, you must do it right to get results. The success rate of this is not very high, either. The use of this tactic is purely situational. 

    Commitment from the player or players acting as the bait and commitment from the players you are drawing attention away from are key here. If you are too concerned with self-preservation, you might not sell yourself as a good target to the enemy, and your buddies can still get lit up.

    So how do we do all that? I'll assume you have a leader in your group. If you need help, try it with random players and see if they want to. I've succeeded with my team and random players, making the payoff worth it each time. Again, going back to our previous videos for the foundation, the key to working with people is to plan, communicate, and execute.

    Let's pretend our scenario is to capture the flag. We have pushed up close enough to touch the flag, but usually, when there are that many eyes on the objective, it is hard to pull off quickly without getting shot and dying. I will let my buddy know I will be drawing fire and distracting the enemy while he can try and go for the flag. He should wait for my signal as I expose myself. I could combine some suppressing fire to make it more dramatic. This will work perfectly if it keeps heads down or draws attention towards me. If there are just too many eyes on the flag or too many angles to shoot at, your bait won't work, so it's probably best not to try it.

    Get Geared Up

    Setting yourself up to draw fire doesn't mean you must be still. You don't have to be stationary to draw fire at all. You could be moving bait for your enemies, and it could prove to be useful. For example, say you and your friend are pinned down and being watched. Perhaps your buddy has a DMR or sniper, something scoped that gives him a range advantage for your squad. But just like you, he is also pinned down. You could consider drawing fire by running to another piece of cover to distract your opponent long enough to buy your buddy time to shoot back.

    When is it not a good idea to do this? That is all dependent on the objective of the game modes. Besides helping your team push out or around the map, doing this on a normal skirmish/team deathmatch will only do a little for you personally, especially if the enemies keep respawning in big numbers. 

    It also only works when there are just too many guns covering the area and stifling your movements. But that isn't to say it's useless. Again, you'll have to exercise some judgment and decide if risking your or your buddy's neck is worth it.

    Tactic #5: Squad Communications

    Have you ever worked within a squad, whether it be in an airsoft game or maybe even a video game, and your buddy is asking for help, but he is confusing the crap out of you with unclear directions? This can be frustrating and I KNOW we've all experienced it at some point. Maybe you're that buddy in my story, and you just don't care to admit it...

    Today, our topic of discussion is communication with your squad. You can have the best gear, a gung-ho attitude, and a well-conceived plan, but you'll get wrecked regardless if you can't communicate properly with your team.

     Elite Force M4 CQB MLOK 

    The owners of Fox Airsoft and a few of their closest friends were part of a team called Swamp Fox 12, and their dedication to being a well-disciplined team showed when they played at many national ops and took some titles at some competitive events. I was not a part of that team, but having played alongside and against some of them, I can see where communication and clarity come into play. I observed that I wanted to bring to whatever squad I played in. So even when I hop in and play alongside random players at our local field, the players who communicated properly to their teammates always had a clear advantage over a disjointed team of people who did their own thing.

    While I formally don't play on a team myself these days, having the opportunity to play pickup games frequently has taught me that even as I play alongside more casual players, my teams can STOMP the other team if given some direction backed up by some commitment from my teammates. Remember, leadership is not about barking orders, making players feel bad, or feeling superior to the people around you. It's more about making everyone better. Remember, this is a game; take it seriously. 

    Giving your teammate a clear message will give them an advantage over the enemy player. If your teammate is acting on bad or unclear info, your opponent will get the drop on them.

    If you want to elevate your game, improving your communication is just one of the things you can do to get better. This all stems from brevity and clarity.

    • Brevity - be quick in delivering the information
    • Clarity - deliver the information with accuracy

    The most common place I see this breakdown in airsoft and team-based games is when you are surprised by the enemy or see a juicy target. Most people just say, "Guy over there!" leaving you confused about where is there, what you are looking for, and so on. By the time you figure out where "there" is, the other squad will have already opened up on you. Especially in the heat of an ambush where you are taking fire and your squad is getting hit, if the guys who are alive know what is going on, they need to spit out the information so you can lay down a base of fire to repel the attack.

    Quick and clear communication will allow your buddies to spot the enemy faster and avoid getting ambushed.


    Regarding relaying information on a target, you only need to know a few key pieces of information in the spirit of brevity and clarity.

    • What you see
    • Distance
    • Direction - in relation to your squad, though you can take liberties if your team agrees on how this should be handled

    Number 1 is what type of thing you see. This is important to let your teammates know the urgency of this message. If you are sneaking around, there is a huge difference between telling your buddies you are making contact (a fight is initiating) or simply seeing an enemy (enemy spotted). You could sneak around or set up a proper ambush in the latter scenario. You can agree upon your terminology for these details if you want to put this into practice with your squad mates.

    So what a good callout looks like is: "Contact! 20 meters! Front!" "Full squad, 100 yards! West!"

    In a video game, they might give you a compass with numbers indicating bearings. This number is handy if your squad is nearby and can be more accurate sometimes than a simple direction. You can also practice this in slower-paced, tactical, and squad-based battle royale games.

    In video games, it might be quicker to reference a landmark that everyone recognizes. For example: "enemy spotted, watch tower, 50 meters east", "hospital roof, 3 enemies spotted".

    These are good to practice and become better with. Your team can react and understand each other better, and this will enhance your abilities compared to that of your average player.

    Give these a try, and let us know how they work out. We are not a be-all-end-all authority on the subject, so please take this for information and entertainment purposes only. Have fun, stay safe, and we'll catch you next time.

    Cover vs. Concealment

    Hey guys, welcome back for another edition of airsoft tactics. Today, we’ll be talking about concealment vs. cover. The concept is similar to fighting tactics in real life, but there are some small exceptions because we are adapting that thinking to airsoft.

    Check out FAF Airsoft Field in CO

    In real gunfighting terms, the difference between cover and concealment is easy. If it doesn’t stop a bullet, it is merely concealment. In airsoft, if it doesn’t stop a BB, it is only concealment. A BB doesn’t have the penetrating capability of a bullet, so a wider abundance of field features will pass for real cover against BBs.

    What are some examples of cover vs. concealment?


    • Shrubbery
    • Mesh
    • Fencing
    • Pallets

    One thing to note about concealment is that if you are hiding behind something, it does little to stop incoming fire. You can return fire, too, but things such as bushes and other shrubbery would deflect some of your outgoing fire, making your probability of hitting very low. Your best bet is to use concealment to buy you that second to find real cover if you don't get hit. If you sit there too long, the other player will eventually get you, so find real cover if you get spotted. Moving through concealment is infinitely better than moving out in the open, though, so don’t forget that when you are bounding to an objective or seeking cover.

    If you are an airsoft sniper, chances are that much of your time will be spent shooting from cover or concealment. It would be too obvious to take your shots out in the open. Wearing good camouflage or enhancing your loadout with some sort of ghillie suit will be your concealment, too, because being harder to spot is just as good because you aren't taking fire, which gives you the upper hand.

    Being economical with your movements while hiding is one way to stay hidden. Our eyes naturally tune into movement, so being still and silent will be a sniper's concealment.


    • Bunker
    • Sandbags
    • Hay bail
    • Walls
    • Trees
    • Structures

    Cover in airsoft can protect you against BBs and keep you out of enemy visibility. This can be buildings, pieces of furniture, sandbags, bunkers, walls, and trees. Keeping a low profile is important to avoid getting spotted and gives you the advantage of being able to fire first. Your body type, the bulkiness of your gear, and how you utilize your cover will be important things you should learn. Another thing is how you stand behind your cover as you set up your shot. You'll notice the better sniper-style players avoid poking the muzzle of their rifles out from beyond their cover. If you have the space behind your cover to do so, this should make it harder for people to spot you from other angles.

    Check out some starter airsoft guns!

    Keeping your body nice and tight to your cover helps so that you don't flag yourself by exposing a limb that can get shot, such as your knee. It takes some practice, and you would be surprised at how easy it is to spot another player just by having a bit of their body showing.

    Adapting your shooting technique, grip, and stance can aid in this. This is where being able to shoot off your weak side pays off and is worth trying next time you are out playing. If you watch dedicated CQB players on YouTube, they master this as well as all the other aforementioned aspects because the pace of CQB and the distance that players close in on each other is very short, so your reaction and quick positioning are paramount and not flagging yourself keeps you in the game longer.

    So, mastering the art of covering and concealment is important for all players. It doesn't matter if you are into milsim, CQB, or anything else. The fighting principles are universal.

    Even at our local field,  FAF Airsoft in Parker, CO, we have a variety of sections of our field that play differently from one another, and the best players are quick to adapt. Our field has a CQB section, an urban field, and a large outdoor field so that you will see different players interacting and different types of guns being used.

    Tactics, techniques, and play styles change or evolve like real-world fighting. So, take a different source than the definitive answer; instead, draw from numerous schools of thinking, get out there, and put some of that into practical application to see what works. If you have anything interesting to share or add, we'd love to hear about it! Drop some comments below. We'll turn it into a video of another kind one day!

    Tactic #7: The Designated Marksman

    Today's blog will be about playing a designated marksman role within your team. We’ve talked about designated marksman rifles (DMRs) as far as equipment goes and given a brief overview of the role in a previous segment. If you’re curious, you can check our previous video and blog.

    Check out ICS Rifles!
    Check out Elite Force HK416!

    When you go to your local airsoft field or event, you will be put into a role by default based on how your gun is modified and performed based on the rule set used by your local field or event host. At our local field, for example, we have DMR restrictions built around guns that shoot at up to 2 Joules, compared to the 1.5 Joule limit we have set for riflemen. With the DMR, you are allowed that higher velocity, but your gun must be incapable of full auto fire, and you must use a magnified optic. You also must observe a 75-foot minimum engagement distance (MED) as a courtesy to other players and for safety's sake. If you must engage within that distance, you must have a sidearm or gun that fits within rifleman limits.

    Check out Defcon Chest Rig!

    Check out the bump helmet!

    Compared to your normal sniper role, the DMR offers a good hybrid of extended-range play with some ability to assault objectives. You deliver accurate fire over volume compared to your teammates.

    If you build your gun up nicely or have a nice shooting one with minor upgrades, you can enjoy fast, crisp, semi-auto lying down accurate fire for your team. We have a magnified optic rule at our local field because we don’t want to allow someone to play with an inappropriate airsoft gun that takes advantage of DMR velocity benefits and just uses it as a platform to spam semi-auto shots. Some guns have fast semi-autos that rival full auto, so we have to draw the distinction there to keep people from breaking the game balance. Other venues might enforce the weapon style for DMR classes to maintain their patrons' immersion level.

    See the ICS DMR!

    So, how does one play the DM for their team?

    So, let’s say you’re playing with a group where everyone’s gun is pretty much stock or close to the field limit for a rifleman. It’s great to have flexible rifleman class players who can be the jack-of-all-trades around because these people will be the tip of the spear for your team. These people will push the objective during a game, deliver suppression, and do other things your MED prevents you from doing. However, as a designated marksman, you must support them from a distance to make all that happen. The point of playing a designated marksman at an airsoft game is 1) you prefer to have more range than your normal players, and 2) you don’t mind trading away your full auto capability to get that extra edge. (Or perhaps you are lazy and want to hang back!) MEDs can vary from field to field, so check their rules and restrictions with your venue before purchasing or modifying your equipment.

    The first thing you can do is help observe. With a magnified optic, you can see further than your teammates and call out threats and objectives being moved upon so your team can react. That information is very helpful for your team, and having that edge can help you crush your opponents.

    Another thing you can do is extend the range of your fire team. You don’t have to have a legitimate team or group you play with. In this instance, you might find some teammates pinned down or trapped. As the designated marksman, you can easily help them push up and take more ground with your rifle. That extra range might be enough to outclass your opponents who were keeping your teammates down. If I’m playing a designated marksman, I always find opportunities like this to help. Likewise, if I am embedded in a group of players and we’re not making progress, I will often single out someone on my team who has the setup to get us that edge and ask them to put down some accurate fire.

    One more thing you can do is provide overwatch. That means you can cover your team's advance as they push up. Or you can watch over an area while your team tries to accomplish an objective. Since you have your MED, you can’t push it up that close anyway, but you should be able to form a nice perimeter.

    Playing this role, you must be mindful of many subtle nuances, like MED and equipment modifications. If you put yourself in a position to help your team win rather than just kill farming, this gameplay style is very rewarding in its own right and certainly worth giving a go.

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    What is the best strategy for airsoft?

    The best strategy for airsoft involves a combination of teamwork, communication, and situational awareness. Beginners should focus on staying close to their teammates and maintaining constant communication to coordinate movements and tactics. Using cover effectively and moving strategically to avoid exposing oneself to enemy fire is crucial. Beginners should also practice shooting while on the move and learning to adapt to changing situations on the field. Regularly checking the surroundings and being aware of potential threats can significantly improve a player's effectiveness. Overall, cooperation and smart movement are key components of a successful airsoft strategy.

    Airsoft guns fire 6mm plastic BBs, which are designed to be non-lethal and safe for recreational use when proper safety precautions are followed. These BBs come in various weights, with 0.20g and 0.25g being the most common for general use. Heavier BBs, such as 0.30g or 0.40g, are often used for sniping or in higher-powered airsoft guns to improve accuracy and range. The plastic BBs are propelled by either electric, gas, or spring mechanisms, depending on the type of airsoft gun being used.

    The hardest shooting airsoft guns are typically gas-powered sniper rifles and CO2 pistols, which can achieve higher velocities compared to standard electric or spring-powered guns. For example, CO2 pistols like the KWC Desert Eagle can shoot up to 400 FPS (feet per second) or more. High-end gas sniper rifles, such as those made by Novritsch, can also reach similar or higher velocities. However, it's important to note that most airsoft fields have FPS limits to ensure safety, and guns that shoot at extremely high velocities may not be allowed in all games or fields.

    Airsoft snipers are generally more accurate than standard airsoft guns due to their longer barrels, precision hop-up units, and the use of heavier BBs. The design and build of sniper rifles prioritize accuracy and range, making them effective for long-distance engagements. Additionally, airsoft snipers often take more time to carefully aim and shoot, which enhances their accuracy. However, achieving high accuracy with an airsoft sniper rifle also requires skill and practice, as environmental factors such as wind and terrain can impact the flight of the BBs.